Nadia Petković is a Canadian artist, working primarily in the mediums of pen illustration, acrylic painting, and digital drawing. After having completed a Master of Architecture in 2012 (McGill University, Montréal) and relocating to Berlin, she began her artistic practice, exploring drawing as a reaction to the tension between urbanity/industry and nature.
Her work expresses a return to nature, often referencing alternate realities, like dreams or utopias. She seeks ways to connect elements of nature with the human condition, amplifying natural scenery, composing surreal imagined worlds, and employing symbols, to observe a universal symbiosis. She uses art as a way to communicate and navigate the tensions between what we see as divided or separated: nature and us, mind and body, interior and exterior, and the individual and the collective.

During her stay, Nadia worked on her project “The Thanksgiving Address” and create a connect mural, which is a tribute to nature and a compilation of her upcoming project. She also gave a lovely drawing and cyanotype workshop to our staff members and volunteers.

Photos by Nadia Petković