Sakiya is a progressive academy for experimental knowledge production and sharing, grafting local agrarian traditions of self-sufficiency with contemporary art and ecological practices. This circular system of knowledge production and sharing integrates agriculture within the framework of an interdisciplinary residency program, where cultural actors, such as farmers and crafts/small industry initiatives, assume a prominent role alongside visiting and local artists and scholars. Sakiya’s core programs engage food production, exhibitions, symposia, publications, and education/training workshops, exploring the intersections between art, science, and agriculture in a sustainable and replicable model.

Their residency was a unique artistic gathering initiating the two-year artistic research project Waterways, which sonically explores the complexities of waterways and bodies of water. Through this gathering of voices, knowledges, and experiences, the project aims to challenge mainstream environmentalist narratives and to facilitate new resonances between otherwise seemingly disconnected localities. Waterways is a collective exploration with SONIC TOMORROW, MADEYOULOOK, Sakiya, and Zeren Oruc.
Photo documentation of the residency can be found HERE.